Monday, September 16, 2013

america the beautiful

I'm sure all of you (nonexistent readers) have heard the news about the mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard by now.

 It's tragic. It's heartbreaking. What is it, the fifth mass shooting we've had all year? Correction. I did my research; today's shooting is the SIXTEENTH mass shooting this year. And all these shootings have death tolls that are four people or more, with the Newtown, CT shooting topping the list at 27 deaths and today's shooting coming in at second with 12 deaths. And, keep in mind: it's only September.

 See, every time a mass shooting happens, I go through the same steps. There's the initial shock as a "Breaking News" CNN update lights up on the screen of my phone, followed by a close reading of the news/social media coverage. Then, I try to research as much as I can about the perpetrator. Who was he? What was his motive? Any signs of terrorism? Any signs of mental illness? The next few days, I take to Twitter and Facebook to share articles on gun control reform. Weeks pass as I (along with a majority of this country) wait on the laws that could lessen killings, prevent deaths, and save countless family members from the grief of having to bury their loved ones. But time and time again, reform is not made; stricter gun control laws are not enforced. The initial shock returns, but this time with disappointment and anger.

 I'm sorry, but how many mass shootings does this country have to go through for the government to enforce stricter gun laws? There's been SIXTEEN mass shootings this year. SIXTEEN. It just seems that the number of mass gun-related deaths go up and up. The problem is not with the people. When polled, the majority of the American public are for stricter gun control laws. There are a few people that aren't, however. I apologize, but those people are just ignorant and ridiculous. NO ONE IS TAKING AWAY YOUR GUNS. Stricter gun laws do not mean no guns at all. Don't give me that "guns don't kill people, people kill people" bullshit. Would today's perpetrator have as easily killed 12 people had he had a knife instead of a gun? Yes, people kill people, but guns provide a hell of an easier way to kill those people and much more. And don't pull that "2nd amendment" crap either. If your right to bear arms infringes on other innocent people's right to live, I say fuck your second amendment. You sit at home and shake your rifles proudly in the air, fighting to keep what is an instrument of death even after 27 innocent students and teachers lost their lives in that elementary school? I've said sorry a lot in this paragraph, but I'm not going to apologize for this. That's incredibly selfish of you.

 However, regardless of an individual's stance on gun control laws, the truth of the matter is that the majority favors stricter gun control laws. Remember last year, after the Sandy Hook shootings, when Obama pushed and pushed for the gun control bill to be passed? Yeah, the majority of United States citizens were in favor of that bill. However, it was not passed. The Senate refused to pass it in fear that the minority of people that were against that bill would not provide votes and funding for many of the Senators when reelection came. In Obama's speech afters, our close-to-tears President told the United States (and the world) of his disappointment in the Senate and how this was a "shameful day" for America. It was the most heartbreaking speech I've ever heard Obama give. How bad does your government have to fuck up for the President to call it "shameful" and bring him close to tears? Let me tell you, pretty bad.

 But hey, whatever, we're America the Beautiful, land of the brave and the free, right?

 oh, and ps: fuck the NRA.

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